
Happy 100th Birthday + Happy New Year

I'd like to dedicate this entry to Cafe Bruges in Taipei.


Mario of Cafe Bruges provided us with the warmest hospitality anyone could asked for during the chaotic New Years Eve block party in the Xinyi District.

When we first entered the crowd in the middle of Taipei, I had to pee. The city of Taipei FAILED to provide the public with enough porta potties. The line to the restrooms in Starbucks was at least 50 people deep... Same with the metro restrooms, gas station restrooms, and every other public restrooms you can think of. #taipeifail

Then Beth, my awesome wife, spotted this little wine bar in the corner of Keelung Rd. Next thing we know, I got to pee without standing in lines and Beth got her red wine :) Cafe Bruges became our NYE shelter for us to celebrate the coming of 2011 and the 100th birthday of Taiwan. We met some new friends while we were there, and we got to try out their collection of Belgium beers and complimentary Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets. They even gave us giant sparklers during our count down celebration! Thank you again Cafe Bruges!

FYI, there were so many people... we couldn't get a cab for about 2 hours of us walking around town completely LOST! People were camping out in the subway stations just cuz they couldn't find a way home... by the time we got back to our hotel... it was 4:00AM

Here is a video of the Taipei 101 firework! enjoy!

Taipei 101 NYE2010+Taiwan100 firework from Joe Chang on Vimeo.


All You Can Eat Dim Sum

I am just going to keep this post short and simple. All You Can Eat dim sum kicks Hometown Buffet's ass anytime! And here is a direct translation for the image of the sign below...

*Dim Dum Reminder* No additional discount with Wedding Reception Dinner VIP Card or Global Mall Member Card. You may not use multiple coupons. Dine-In only, No take outs. Please relish your food, Do not waste. There will be a $100NT fine for wasted food *white rice is suggested for a better tasting meal*

this sign is pointless to me
If you know me very well, you will laugh at this sign with me... do I ever NOT finish my food? you are not getting my $100NT because I WILL EAT YOUR WHOLE KITCHEN! ALL JOE CAN EAT !!!


First Night Market DAY ONE Part 2

Taiwan Travel Tip #002: must visit night markets!!! well... we were told that there's a night market just down the street from my aunt's house. Without any hesitation Uncle Quan volunteered to be our night market tour guide of the night and Aunt Heidy made a batch of the most colorful and yummy dumplings as our pre game before the night market!

Beth's first night market experience!

There are just so many things to see, eat, smell, eat, play and eat in this narrow street of Banqiao Destrict. If you look at photos from the slideshow below you can see how much we love squid! Squid is delicious... Along with the squid we also got bags of skewered tofu, Taiwanese tempura, chicken butt, green beans, fish balls, and yam balls... I think that's about it... but i'm sure i missed a few other things hahah

What's better than night market street food + Makers Mark?


Home Land! DAY ONE Part 1

Beth and I have been planning this trip to Taiwan for ages! I wanted to show her my roots and GREAT food! We love to share so this blog will feature photos, videos and fun stories of our fabulous adventure in Taiwan. NOT "Chinese Taipei"

14 hours on the plane we finally made it to Taiwan!... Soooo LETS EAT!!! On our way to the breakfast cafe with Uncle Quan we witnessed a crazy crash involving two motor scooters. The lady got t-boned, flipped off her scooter and broke her arm... It was quite a scene... but we were hungry so we kept on walking... The breakfast cafe had sandwiches, burgers and coffee... not that interesting actually ha! Off to the next foodventure!

Banqiao Market

Believe it or not, my grandpa (who passed away when I was about 12) used to be the "dude in charge" of a farmers market... this market is located in the Banqiao District. We met up with my grandma and she wants to give us a quick tour of how Taiwanese people do their grocery shopping, This market is not like any typical farmers market, not only can you find all kinds of fruit, vegetable, meat and fish... you can get a haircut or trim your brows before you check off your grocery list.

After we left the Banqiao Market grandma suggested that we should check out this hokkaido style hot pot restaurant inside the Banqiao Train Station. I thought I made some kick ass hot pot... I was wrong... This place is insane delicious, the herbal soup base and the meat quality is out of this world! Bottom line is... I wish y'all can smell the photos!

porn and chicken
make your own fish balls
special seafood balls

and that was our first lunch in Taiwan together as a family :)
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