
First Night Market DAY ONE Part 2

Taiwan Travel Tip #002: must visit night markets!!! well... we were told that there's a night market just down the street from my aunt's house. Without any hesitation Uncle Quan volunteered to be our night market tour guide of the night and Aunt Heidy made a batch of the most colorful and yummy dumplings as our pre game before the night market!

Beth's first night market experience!

There are just so many things to see, eat, smell, eat, play and eat in this narrow street of Banqiao Destrict. If you look at photos from the slideshow below you can see how much we love squid! Squid is delicious... Along with the squid we also got bags of skewered tofu, Taiwanese tempura, chicken butt, green beans, fish balls, and yam balls... I think that's about it... but i'm sure i missed a few other things hahah

What's better than night market street food + Makers Mark?

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Joe! What a fun trip you two are on now. And I love your new hair! I look forward to more.


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