
Happy 100th Birthday + Happy New Year

I'd like to dedicate this entry to Cafe Bruges in Taipei.


Mario of Cafe Bruges provided us with the warmest hospitality anyone could asked for during the chaotic New Years Eve block party in the Xinyi District.

When we first entered the crowd in the middle of Taipei, I had to pee. The city of Taipei FAILED to provide the public with enough porta potties. The line to the restrooms in Starbucks was at least 50 people deep... Same with the metro restrooms, gas station restrooms, and every other public restrooms you can think of. #taipeifail

Then Beth, my awesome wife, spotted this little wine bar in the corner of Keelung Rd. Next thing we know, I got to pee without standing in lines and Beth got her red wine :) Cafe Bruges became our NYE shelter for us to celebrate the coming of 2011 and the 100th birthday of Taiwan. We met some new friends while we were there, and we got to try out their collection of Belgium beers and complimentary Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets. They even gave us giant sparklers during our count down celebration! Thank you again Cafe Bruges!

FYI, there were so many people... we couldn't get a cab for about 2 hours of us walking around town completely LOST! People were camping out in the subway stations just cuz they couldn't find a way home... by the time we got back to our hotel... it was 4:00AM

Here is a video of the Taipei 101 firework! enjoy!

Taipei 101 NYE2010+Taiwan100 firework from Joe Chang on Vimeo.

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