
Dear Super Bitch

Dear Super Bitch Waitress (curly red/brown hair) @ Red Lion Tavern,

I don't know you and I don't know what I did to piss you off on Friday the 25th.  I stopped by the tavern to celebrate my friend Larry's birthday, I was in a great mood but thanks to your mean service and bitchy attitude... You ruined the birthday celebration... Thanks a lot.

Since I don't know your name, can I call you Kyle's mom?

I think you should look for a new career.  You are suppose to be a German peasant, not a diva with a stick up your ass.  Your job is to explain what is on tap, take food orders, make recommendations, distribute dining utensils to hungry people, and smile!  Well, you've failed all...when a customer ask you questions about what the restaurant is currently serving, DON'T flip the menu over, point at it and tell the customer to read whats in the menu... Or when a customer ask you if you can start a separate tab, DON'T embarrass the customer by rejecting her because she's not a regular customer...  Also, it's NOT cool after all the shenanigans you've pulled and you still add the gratuity in the check... I mean seriously! WTF is wrong with you!  Do you really think you DESERVE tips after you bitched out the whole table? do you? really?

Maybe you should look into yoga to calm your soul... Wait?! what?! Your other job is a yoga instructor??? well, you should quit that job too, cuz you are way too angry to be teaching anyone anything... you are just a MEAN MEAN MEAN person!

Next time when I visit Red Lion Tavern, I hope I don't see you again... Please resign, quit or get fired. If not, I will definitely do my best in my power to get you fired :)

Thank you,

Joe Chang

next time when you guys want to hit up Red Lions Tavern... GO UP STAIRS to the beer garden to avoid the Super Bitch.

the sausage plate
This is the sausage platter... I was really excited about this food, but the mean bitchy waitress ruined my appetite... I can probably blame her for the poor lighting while I'm at it.

the beer garden
Upstairs at the beer garden is the place to be! No mean waitress up here! only fun people and good booze!

makers 46
They have Makers 46!

Red Lion Tavern is a great place! Don't get me wrong, I have no problem whatsoever with the tavern... Just that one waitress in particular :)

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