
Easter Ham

Easter 2011 was awesome! Our dear friend Tracy was kind enough to host the Easter Potluck Dinner at her place, and she provided us hungry people... a giant ham!

I'm not sure exactly what the ham was based with... but I heard Coca Cola was involved!

bread, bun and rolls

Emily made a delicious pasta (Todd's recipe). Its got Feta, shell pasta, olives, snow peas, bell peppers and carrots!  I don't know exactly what the recipe is, but I had the same salad for lunch today and it was eff'n awesome... still!

Beth and I made sweet potato chips :)

Jake made the asparagus

I had so much fun eating the ham and all the other yummy foods, I forgot to take photos of the dessert! Well, we had vegan lemon pie, soy caramel ice cream and a giant cookie!

Again, Thank you Tracy for hosting this wonderful Easter Potluck Dinner !!!

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