
I Love Presents!

Sorry readers... It's been WAY too long since my last post.
Don't worry, I have lots of photos that are lining up to be posted in eatwithjoe.com!

Last week, I got two packages in the mail. One from my cousin Justine and one from my buddy Joey (JTI).

coffee and cookies

Cousin Justine thought that I need a glass mug in my life, so she mailed me one! She packaged it with handles, made it easier for the UPS guy to carry around the neighborhood.

Great gift! Thanks Couz!

My new official coffee mug! looks great with my highlighters!

my mug at work

Joey aka Joey the Intern, was the famous URB magazine intern... After Peace Corp, he moved to Northern California and then... he became Joey the Baker! Joey made a batch of chocolate chunk and walnut cookies and he wanted me to try some. So I ate some and it was surely delicious. Beth even said that the cookies taste like the cookies her mom would make! Good job Joey! We want MORE !!!

thanks JTI!

chocolate chunk and walnut cookie

I love presents! feel free to mail me things so I can take photos and write about it! Maybe eat it too!

Thanks again, Justine and Joey!

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