
Papa Chang's Big 60

My dad's big 60 birthday is coming up and we wanted to take him out to a nice lunch. Our only challenge was to find a restaurant that's close to our neighborhood and a restaurant that specializes in Central/South American flavor. Thanks to Yelp, we found the restaurant that fits the requirements - 1810 Argentinean Restaurant in Old Town Pasadena. We were really excited about this place.

Typically, if you are to dine in any South American restaurants you are expected to order and try their version of Empanadas... we did, and it was delicious! Beth and Sean (my little brother) liked the beef Empanadas a lot and I enjoyed the chicken Empanadas more. Overall, Mission Empanadas was successful.


The other appetizer we ordered was Croquetas de arroz (risotto croquettes, mozzarella, tomato sauce)... This dish was absolutely and perfectly prepared... from the texture of the croquettes to the tomato sauce... this dish blew me away! I have to say it's better than Little Dom's version of fried risotto balls, and less expensive.

Croquetas de arroz

Croquetas de arroz

Moving on to the main entrees... We ordered two entrees and one salad... which was plenty enough for all 5 of us

The salad was a big hit! Beth even said that she would come back to the restaurant just for the salad. Well, what's this awesome salad we ordered? its called Lentejas (mixed greens, lentil, red beet, egg, feta cheese, lemon vinaigrette), it's simple and fresh... But I'm not too sure whats so Argentinean about it :/


Churrasco (8oz flat iron steak) - the steak was cook really well... and that's about it, the rice was meh... reminded Beth of Uncle Ben's rice... which is NOT GOOD! Same with the other Entree we ordered... It's basically the same but with sea bass instead... and the fish was over cooked... Overall the entrees were disappointing... we should've just ordered a bunch of Croquetas de arroz and Empanadas...


special - Mexican Sea Bass

After the lunch we walked over to Dot's Cupcakes. Not much to say about this place... cupcake was too sweet and the staff was not sweet enough... sigh... BUT Happy Birthday Dad regardless!!! Hope you had a good one :)

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