
Deep Fried Weekend Part 2

First of all, I'd like to congratulate the Green Bay Packers for winning Super Bowl XLV!  And me being a Packers fan since 1995, I have a perfect recipe for this special event!  Let's deep fry again!!!


Green Bay Panades

Panades is a Belizean street food that is very similar to South American's empanadas.  In Belize, the panades are usually stuffed with fish, beef or beans and it is probably my favorite authentic Belizean food.  Since this recipe is going to reflect my passion for the Green Bay Packers, I've decided to fill my panades with peas and corn!  Green and gold baby!

Green Bay Panades

Step 1 - Gather and Prep

To make an authentic panades you need a tortilla press.  Fresh made tortilla is worth the $20 investment on a tortilla press.  Once you have corn tortilla mix and a tortilla press in your life, you will never ever have to buy pre pressed tortillas!
  • Corn masa mix or any corn tortilla mix.  You can find them in any grocery store, if not, try to hit up one of those hispanic markets, you'll definitely find some there!
  • One can of whole kernel corn
  • Frozen peas
  • Ground beef
  • String cheese
  • Garlic powder
  • Paprika
  • Ground cumin
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Like spicy food?  you can't eat Belizean food without a bottle of Marie Sharp Hot Sauce, its magical!
To make panades you need to do a lot of prepping.  Start by preparing 4 main bowls of ingredients:
Corn dough bowl, peas and corn bowl, beef bowl and cheese bowl

Corn Dough Bowl
  • 1 cup of corn masa mix (corn tortilla mix)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
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Directions:  Mix the dry ingredients, then pour in 3/4 cup of water... mix again (don't be afraid to use your hands) You should end up with a dough that has a semi firm consistency :)

Peas and Corn Bowl (Green and Gold Baby!)
  • 1 can of whole kernel corn
  • 1/2 cup of frozen peas
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ground pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
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Directions:  Strain the corn, then mix everything in a bowl

Beef Bowl
  • 1/2 pound of ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon of butter
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Directions:  Mix the meat and the seasonings in a bowl.  Preheat a large skillet with 1/2 tablespoon of butter on high heat.  Once the butter is melted, place the seasoned meat in the skillet.  Break up the meat and stir every 30 sec till the meat is fully cooked.  Once the meat is cooked, pour the cooked meat into a large clean bowl.

Cheese Bowl (you can't make Green Bay Panades without cheese)
  • 4 sticks of string cheese
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Directions: Cut and dice the cheese, yup thats it :)

Step 2 - Mold the Panades

So you bought the tortilla press and you are ready to make your first panades!  Grab the corn dough bowl, place it next to the tortilla press... now start by rolling a 2 inch tortilla ball in your hands.  Put wax paper on each side of the press, so the dough doesn't stick to the press.  Place the ball in the middle of the press... close the press... now press the dough flat... like a tortilla!

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Put about 1-2 teaspoons of cooked ground beef and come of the peas and corn mix in the middle of the flattened corn dough... then fold over the dough... close up the edges by pressing the dough together, if the dough starts to crack... just gently pinch it together :)

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To make the cheese panades, instead of stuffing it with beef, put in the diced string cheese.  Mold the panades then place all of them in a wax paper layered baking sheet.

peas, corn and cheese IMG_3005

If you want to be more adventurous, feel free to add the beef and cheese together :)

Step 3 - Fry the Panades

Pour cooking oil into a medium size pot... maybe pour in about 2-3 cups, depends on how many panades you want to fry at a time.  Heat the oil to about 350-375 degrees F (don't over heat the oil, or else it'll get very smokey and burn the panades).

If you don't have a frying thermometer, you can flick some water into the oil, if it starts to sizzle... It's ready to fry.

Once the oil is about 350 degrees F, fry the panades about 1 minute on each side or until its golden brown :)  Cool down the panades for about 2-3 minutes after it's removed from the fryer.  Then its time to serve!

Green Bay Beef Panades Green Bay Cheese Panades

There are more photos of ingredients in this slideshow! Click the play button!

This recipe takes a lot of preparation and it's very labor intensive.  Feel free to ask me if you have any questions or suggestions on this recipe!  contact me at eatwithjoe@gmail.com

Enjoy the panades!

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