
Kentucky Derby 2011 - BBQ and Parade

Every great event comes with a grand parade. 

We met up with Beth's childhood friend Liza so we could ride together to her cousin's glass company for free parking next to the parade.  In Kentucky, I've learned that they take "roadies" with them when they drive... awesome

noticed the red cup in Beth's hand? yeah that's a roadie :)

When we got to the glass company, the first thing I noticed is how free and tough the kids are here in KY, they are playing on a moon-bounce-slide that is placed on top of gravel mixed with shattered glass... and they get to watch the parade on a scissor lift! Total bad asses !!! Both Beth and I agreed that most parents in LA would probably freak out if their kids are anywhere near shattered glass or any construction vehicles.

you can't really tell, but the ground is filled with shattered glass :)
Moonbounce by shattered glass!

The glass company tail gate party provided us with great BBQ and mystery wine as well... Love the pull pork and ramen salad... yup the coleslaw looking salad has chunks of dry ramen blocks mixed in it !!!

hahahah Sweet Juice!

Now time for some parade photos :)

UL band


My mother in law's little sister Aunt Dottie was in the parade, can you find her?

To be continued...

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