
A Taste of Taiwan in Los Angeles

Before the actual meal that's meant to be blogged in this post... Beth and I needed a little appetizer.  We stopped by a boba restaurant down the street to fill our teeth gap... deep fried yam chips and boba green tea :)

Doe Jan Station is definitely my favorite Taiwanese breakfast joint here in LA... there are other restaurants in San Gabriel Valley that serves the same kind of food... but we've tried all and they all suck.

We've arranged this Sunday brunch just for Alex.

Alex is Taiwanese.

Ales is craving Taiwanese food.

Alex is heading back to Portland.

So what is the best food to pack in Alex's belly to take back to Portland? Taiwanese breakfast of course!!!

This photo is awesome! it has all the info you need to visit this joint! check it out now!

These things are called "Oily Sticks" its basically the Taiwanese version of donuts... bigger. deep fried. dough. :)

Best way to eat these Oily Sticks is to dip em in Taiwanese style soy drink (served in bowls).

This wonderful looking shrimp fried rice is by far THE BEST eff'n fried rice EVER! (according to Beth)

Beefy Cake (Andrea's favorite)

turnip cake... stir fry A-Choy... almost done shrimp fried rice... soy drinks... AND RICE BALLS !!! well, my friend Dana saw this photo in my Flickr account and she is eager to find out whats stuffed inside the rice balls...

Dana, inside the rice balls you will usually find... pork sung (aka Rousong), oily sicks and pickled radishes... but what you are looking at is a vegetarian rice ball... and the only difference is the pork sung... instead of pork... it is filled with a vegetarian version of it that's made of soy products.

Thanks to Alex for giving us another excuse to brunch Taiwanese style!!!

NOTE: If you are interested in trying out some Taiwanese restaurant... feel free to email me (eatwithjoe@gmail.com). It's more fun to go with someone that speaks mandarin and/or knows what they are ordering... I am always available for this! so hit me up :)

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