
Maker's Mark Distillery

Maker's Mark is my favorite bourbon.  Everything about it is awesome!  The red wax dripping from the top of the bottle, the smokey sweet taste you get from the barrel, and the cool billboards created by their marketing team! I mean I just LOVE Maker's Mark.

Well, before I met Maker's Mark I was really good friends with Jack Daniels... But Beth introduced me to her hometown favorite beverage and I got hooked.  Beth also told me about the Maker's Mark Ambassador Program... Once you sign up for the Ambassador Program, they will start the next batch of bourbon with your name on it.  And it takes approximately 7-8 years to produce a batch of bourbon.

A few months ago, Beth got a notice that her batch is ready to be picked up... So we made sure to visit the distillery during this trip to Kentucky... Besides, Its Mother's Day and Beth's mom and our friend Van has never been to the distillery before.

Check out this bottle ... Its got Beth all over it !!!

Don't they look like little bourbon scientists? getting ready to DIP !!!



After Beth got her very OWN Maker's Mark... We went on a quick tour of the distillery... When I say "quick" I mean tour guide Jeff left out a lot of major details, only because he's new... So I guess it's ok?

Ummmmm I don't think so... I actually felt bad for my mother-in-law and Van... because it was their first visit and they didn't learn much from the tour at all... they didn't get to hear the history of the bourbon... nor see the assembly line of how the bourbon was bottled and dipped... It was a LAME tour nevertheless...


But hey I got some cool photos though!!! check em out :)






Maker's Mark turned the old 1800s toll house into a cafe right by the entrance of the distillery. The Toll House Cafe is a great place to grab a quick bite before you head on the road again.


I got the Bourbon Pull Pork and it totally hit the spot!

Beth's Pimentos and cheese

Here are some information if you are interested in visiting the distillery:

Maker's Mark Distillery
3350 Burk Spring Road,
Loretto, KY
(270) 865-2881

click here if you are interested in becoming an Ambassador
Make sure you don't get Tour Guide Jeff :)


  1. Love the photos and Beth's bottle looks so cool! Reminds me of touring Jack Daniels 2 years ago (although fortunately our tour guide was good!)

  2. yeah... we were pretty bummed out about tour guide Jeff... But during our FIRST visit to Maker's Mark we got this other lady who's totally an awesome tour guide!


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