
Big 30, Big Appetite

Oh boy! I am officially 30 years old!  I celebrated by birthday with lots of eating with friends and family, thats how I roll :)

My parents took me out to lunch at this vegetarian restaurant called Vegetarian Wok in San Gabriel, CA.  I know the name sounds lame but the food is actually one of the best here in the south land.  If you are a vegetarian and you live in southern California, you should definitely give it a try!  I believe that it's good karma when you avoid eating animals on your birthday :) maybe just one veggie meal, ha!

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On top of this awesome 6 course meal... Beth bought me a special made mango cake from Olympic Bakery.  The cake is made of sponge cake, whipped cream and fresh mango.  This is my favorite mango cake and people would travel from all over just to get a slice of this cake!  For now, enjoy the photos of my birthday cake :)




The cake might look heavy and sweet, but its not heavy at all... Its very light and well balanced :) Happy Birthday to me !!


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