
Body Parts and Cages

Introducing 龍山寺 Longshan Temple

This temple is one of the most popular temples for the civilians to come and pray.  Most of the people pray for health, money, lottery numbers and more money.  When you walk in to the gate of the temple you will smell the burning incense from the faithful believers.


Body parts and cages?  well, this madness didn't happen inside the temple...

When we were done visiting the temple we noticed that there's a small alley market next to the temple.  We decided to check it out.  We thought there might be some street food... well, there's definitely "food"... uncooked "food"... It's more like a butcher alley!!!  Chickens in cages... body parts from chickens, pigs and cows... Last time I saw a live chicken getting butchered was in college... oh college days...

Not free range chickens

Black chicken, white chicken, yellow chicken... you name it!

Charlotte's Web? aw Babe...

Check out more photos from the slideshow below... this is bananas!

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