
Vegetarian Sashimi, Yes!

Do monks eat sashimi? Oh yeah! Only at Jendow Vegetarian Buffet. This place is as big and fancy as any luxury buffet in Vegas... You are guaranteed to walk away with a full belly, even if you are a meat eater! The buffet has so many different stations its ridiculous! You start with an appetizer station that has cold cuts to salad bar. Then you should move on to the sashimi!!! why not right? hahah. Personally I am still a big fan of "real" sashimi... (ya know with fish and stuff from the sea). But the vegetarian sashimi was fairly delicious! I can see why the monks would eat plates after plates of sashimi without killing any living creatures.

Vegetarian Sashimi

Dim Sum station, noodle station, street food station, quick stir fry station, pasta station, traditional Chinese food station, tea station, coffee station, ice cream station, gelato station, liquor station (some already mixed speciality drinks are included but other liquors are extra $), dessert station, and they even have a chocolate fountain station! I think I've named all the stations, if not I'm sure there are more to add.... but seriously... that's pretty insane, even for a regular buffet!!!

For those of you who love vegetarian food and are planning on visiting Taipei, Taiwan. You should totally visit this vegetarian paradise!

Jendow Vegetarian Buffet
No. 353, Chang Chiung Rd
(02) 2547-4788

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