
Southbound Trilogy - Part 2

Best Tea Eggs + Best Hot Pot

Next day, the weather was kind enough for us to get on the tour boat! We finally got our opportunity to explore the famous Sun Moon Lake! well, I thought the history of the lake was pretty cool and interesting... but the scenery (that day) was not even half as cool as Taroko Gorge... well, I am going to have to come visit again in the Spring or Summer to give it a second chance... as long as we don't have to stay in the Honeymoon Inn again.

Beth and I both agreed that the best we got out of this trip to the Sun Moon Lake was a couple of rad handmade postcards we got from the Owl Factory and the best tea eggs we've ever had! It's called "阿婆茶葉蛋" aka "Granny's Tea Eggs". The eggs started with a true story about this lady who's been selling her special tea eggs for over 40 years by the lake, and everyone told us that we must give it a try. Also our tour guide told us the secret of Granny's Tea Eggs = assam(red) tea + shiitake mushroom broth + secret spices + slowly cooked for 7+ hours! I bought 4 :) and ate 3.

the best tea eggs in Taiwan

old lady tea eggs!!!

After we left the lake, we met up with my uncle Madwu Chang (we've not seen each other in about 20 years or so and since he's only 34 I should just call him my second cousin. ha)... I remember when I was a kid... He's like a big brother I've never had :) great dude! Madwu picked us up from the bus station after a long, cold, wet bus ride... and took us out to lunch! Well, after a long, cold, wet bus ride... nothing is better than a nice bowl of HOT POT !!!!!!!!!!! (I love this country)

and its delicious!

The Chang side of my family are devoted Buddhists and most of the Changs are vegetarians :) we got the opportunity to try a special vegetarian hot pot with milk broth! Trust me, this bowl of hot pot was one of the best hot pots I've ever had... I mean I don't even like milk!

Madwu loves film photography, and so does Beth. So Madwu's mom (my great aunt) suggested that we should check out this giant Buddhist temple... She said that this temple has some of the biggest buddhist statues in the country! Beth love taking photos of big, giant Buddhas hahah! You can see some of the photos in the slideshow below :)

Last part of the trilogy contains fabulous vegetarian cuisine from Madwu's own restaurant "水雲居" or "Shuiyun Home"

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