
陽明山 Yangmingshan

This might look like a typical serving of noodles... But this spicy peanut sauce noodles was the best tasting noodles after a wet trip up the Yangmingshan National Park! we will get to the food in a bit...

spicy noodle

"Holy Crap it's cold here!!!" That was the first thing we said when we got off the bus... We were totally under dressed for this trip up the Yangmingshan National Park. It was wet, cold, rainy, foggy and windy... this was NOT what it looked like in the Taiwan Travel Handbook... FML...

There were five other tourists from Malaysia and one hiker on the National Park tour bus, I guess we were the only people that didn't check the weather report before leaving the house, ha. Our first stop was Erzihping Trail... Everyone got off the bus, totally clueless... Where should we start?

The only person that actually seems to know where to go and where to start the hike was the one hiker that was on the bus with us... This man was awesome! He acted as our tour guide and allowed us to hike around the park with him! To entertain us, he sang and taught us how to dance like the aborigines!

After the dancing lessons, he instructed us to follow the trail back to the bus stop... and he said, "I'm going to stay behind and enjoy my daily lunch in the mountains... I'm 81 years old, and this is what i do everyday... I love hiking this mountain." Now that was quite an awesome experience... We felt so grateful and honored to meet this interesting man.

All of us, including the five Malaysian tourists decided to skip the rest of the Yangmingshan tour due to the weather conditions... bummer! Beth and I were so wet, cold and HUNGRY! So we hurried off the mountains and found a wonton restaurant, Thank Jeebus!!! That meal was a life saver!!! (sorry about the heavy exclamation marks... but man was that meal awesome!) We ordered the spicy peanut sauce noodles, wonton soup, fish ball soup, some side dishes and Taiwan Beer! Such a great way to end our journey to the Yangmingshan National Park, even though we didn't get to see the rest of the park... but with the singing hiker and great food... it was well worth it!!!

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