
A Tale of Two Family Meals

Lin Family - Aunt Heidi and Uncle Lin gave us shelter throughout the whole trip!  And food of course!  Most of the time, Uncle Lin whips up his signature hot pot.  I know we've had many different hot pots during our visit in Taiwan, but this one you can taste "love".  We love our hot pot dinner with some "fried foods" and Taiwan beer while uncle sips on his "Johnny Walker"... Good times!

Taiwanese loves fried food... My wife is from Kentucky and she said, "Taiwanese must've been frying food long before Colonel Sanders!"  Well, why? I think it's the Taiwanese popcorn chicken... maybe its the fried sweet potatoes!  

Taiwanese popcorn chicken

To make a really good spicy hot pot soup base... you need pork intestines and duck blood!
pork ball, pork intestine, and duck blood pudding

More photos in this slideshow!

Yeh Family - Aunt Anita and Uncle Yeh love me! what can I say... I am a lovable person!  Well, they knew that Beth and I are in town... so they invited us over for a home cooked lunch!  Uncle Yeh is a great cook, he can cook seafood like no other.  We ate so much we could barely walk... 

The family of crabs :)
nice looking family

I can go for one of these now... mmmm sooo good!  Uncle Yeh's seafood porridge has shrimp, crab meat, oysters, fish, and clams
mmm seafood porridge

More photos from Yeh Family in the slideshow below

I miss my Taiwan family already... :(

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