
Pork Blood and Fish Balls

淡水 Tamsui is a city north of Taipei. They are famous for fish balls! They even have a fish ball museum! Before I get to the fish balls... let me introduce my American friends this little popsicle looking thing called 豬血糕 (Pork blood cake).

豬血糕 pigs' bloog cake

This is one of my childhood favorites, a true Taiwanese street cuisine! It is a made of pork blood and sticky rice... covered with awesome sauce and peanut powder and love!

Now... back to the fish balls!!! Fish balls in Tamsui is famous and delicious! Every fish ball is stuffed with a small amount of pork, just enough to make the fish ball juicy and chewy at the same time! Beth said, "This is the best fish ball I've EVER had!"

fish ball soup with meat bao

If you want to try the best fish ball ever... I suggest you visit Tamsui, Taiwan!

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