
My first Fried Rice

In Memory of Grandma Chang

I've always wanted to be a chef growing up, but my parents would never let me hang out in the kitchen.  When I actually was allowed into the kitchen, I'd be doing dishes... FML.

Grandma Chang gave us this rice cooker as a house warming present a few years ago...  When I looked at the little green thing, I was inspired to make a recipe posting on my blog.  I wanted to share my very first fried rice recipe with all my friends.

My Rice Cooker

Egg and ginger fried rice was one of my favorites growing up.  The recipe came from Grandma Chang.  I've made several attempts to convince my mom and grandma to teach me how to make this fried rice... but they would tell me to leave the kitchen everytime.  One morning, I guess Grandma Chang was in a good mood and felt like sharing her recipe... She finally agreed to teach me the secret to her egg and ginger fried rice!

Step 1 - Cook Rice

Get a rice cooker.  Here is one if you are interested in buying one.  The rice cooker does't have to be expensive, you don't need to get a fancy one.  As a matter of fact... get the cheapest rice cooker out there!

Buy good rice!  This is my favorite rice.  Nishiki Rice  (they come in white and brown)  Do not buy Uncle Ben's Rice!
Nishiki Rice

If you are cooking for 2 people, all you need is one cup of rice.  Measure the rice and pour the rice into the pot inside rice cooker.  wash and drain 3 times in cold water.  When draining, you don't need to use a strainer, just slowly pour out the water.  When you are done washing the rice, add the correct measure of water in the rice.

here is a simple chart of rice to water ratio
1 cup of white rice - 1 cup of water
1 cup of brown rice - 2 cups of water (brown rice acquires the double amount of water)
Note: you can use any size cup, even a coffee mug works! As long as the rice to water ratio is accurate.

Once the rice and water mixture is in the rice cooker... press "cook"
brown rice one cup My Rice Cooker

Remember it usually takes the rice cooker 1-2 hours to cook the rice, so don't start on the prepping till the rice is done... Sometimes I actually prefer leftover / a day old rice to make fried rice!

Step 2 - Prep the Ingredients

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 11/2 teaspoons of salt

You can grate the ginger with or without the skin.  If you want to skin the ginger, the best and easiest way to do it is to use a silver spoon.   Scrape the side of the ginger with the spoon till it's totally naked!

Ginger Peel with a metal spoon

Step 3 - Start Cooking

Pour sesame oil in a nice deep pan or a wok on high heat.  Once the oil is hot (place your hand 2 inches above the oil to feel the heat) crack the two eggs in the hot oil.  Remember, the oil is hot, so don't burn yourself!

Fry them eggs scramble step 2

Scramble the eggs in the pan right away. Once the scrambled eggs are slightly golden, pour in the cooked rice, salt and the grated ginger. Mix them thoroughly for about 2 minutes in the hot pan, drizzle a little more sesame oil for more flavor if you want. Bada bing bada boom! Egg and ginger fried rice! You can pour the fried rice back in the rice cooker to keep it warm if you want... just remember to press the "Keep Warm" button :)

Add the rice and ginger finished!

Sometimes I would cook the rice before I head to bed... Just so I can make rice balls the next morning! To make rice balls, spread the fried rice on a nice sheet of plastic wraps and shape the rice into balls!

wrap them in clear wraps

Give it a try! Let me know if you like the recipe or not :)


  1. Nishiki rice is one of my favorites. Your rice balls remind me of when I was a kid and my mom would make that for us when we went on picnics. She also pan fried the outer edges to make it a little brown and crunchy.

  2. sometimes my mom would put pork sung (dried pork flakes) inside the rice balls :) That's what we usually bring to Disneyland with us!


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