
Southbound Trilogy - Part 1

日月潭 Sun Moon Lake... #FAIL

Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) was FAST... like 189mph fast!!! normally it would take people 4 hrs to get to Taichung,  HSR was only 45 minutes... not even enough time for me to finish my nap :)

When we got to the famous Sun Moon Lake (wiki it if you're not sure what it is)  It was nice and clear! great day for photos! Tourists everywhere, people taking pictures and getting ready to get on the tour boat! What a treat!


We walked around the little town by the harbor and found a restaurant that serves Aboriginal cuisines.  We ordered minced pork rice (their version was called Old School Rice)... which was an eye catcher for me... must eat the old school rice, right? ha.  And surely we both inhaled the rice within minutes.

old school rice

The boar meat noodle soup was a nice treat as well :) yum yum!  not too shabby for my first 'boar" experience... its like dining with John Locke.

boar meat noodles

After lunch we decided to hop on the boat that tours around the lake... sounds great right? well, the minute we handed our boat ticket to the tour guide...  the fog rolled into the harbor... i mean... its like Stephen King fog... we looked at each other and literately had the "FML" look on our face... this is #$%@!!! and then it started to rain !!! again... #$%@!!!

Its like our trip to Yangmingshan... sigh

Well, the plan of touring around the lake failed, so we met up with our friend Jim Beam and checked in to this Honeymoon Inn that my aunt had reserved for us :) this hotel was very "purple" and the front desk lady was totally Twilight Zoned out...

I don't think it's healthy for me to write any more about this disastrous day... For sure the photos will do the justice... Let's just hope that tomorrow will be a better day... I hope...

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