
Hotel to Metro Station

Comfort Inn offers complimentary breakfast, right? Well, the hotel we stayed at does too! But the difference is... they don't have microwaved eggs or hard bagels... instead they have a full spread of food from salad bar to gourmet Asian dishes!

here is a photo of Beth's first plate... Japanese steam egg, yam, snow peas, and marinated Shiitake mushrooms! Oh, and bacon!

Hotel breakfast

On our way to the Metro station we stopped by a McCafe that actually looks like a real coffee house... they grind and brew fresh coffee beans to order! American McDonalds should be ashamed!


Right before we got to the station we got distracted by the fragrance of beef noodle soup. This is not any typical beef noodle soup... this is "hand shaved noodles". I can't really describe the deliciousness of this meal... i'll let my photos do the justice :) Enjoy! I hope you are hungry when you looked at the photos.


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