
士林夜市 Shilin Night Market

Finally... introducing the biggest and the most popular night market in Taiwan!!! 士林夜市 Shilin Night Market! This is the market where you can eat all you want, shop all you want and play all you want without burning a hole in your pocket! Today I'm not gonna talk about shopping... I'm gonna talk about food. Duh!

When you first walk in to the entrance of the market you will smell "stinky tofu". Stinky tofu is a traditional Taiwanese street food that smells like dirty socks but according to Beth... it still taste like dirty socks (takes another sip of her beer to wash down the taste). But me... I love it! I can't really explain why I love stinky tofu like the rest of the locals... but when I smell it I want to eat it!

stinky tofu on a skewer

So what is "big sausage wraps little sausage"? Think of a hot dog... but instead of a bun... you get sticky rice sausage and instead of a hot dog you get Taiwanese sausage. Then the cook splits the rice sausage like a hot dog bun... placed the meat sausage in it and served it with onion, awesome sauce and love! mmmm I can eat another one now...

Big sausage wraps little sausage

Oyster omelet is also a must eat in Shilin Night Market. That with "awesome sauce" brings back memories of my childhood :) BTW you must be wondering what "awesome sauce" is... well, don't ask... cuz i have NO idea! but if the sauce is delicious... its awesome sauce!

oyster omelet

I mean, there are just way too many things to talk about when it comes to Shilin Night Market!!! My advice is... get yo butt over to Taiwan and experience it yo-self! Like Beth would say... too bad there's no scratch n sniff.

Check out the slideshow below and you'll see more photos from the market :) enjoy and feel free to drool on your keyboard heheh. This is a good one!

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